Sunday, June 1, 2008


Today is my host sisters birthday. We were supposed to go out dancing last night...that definitely didn´t happen. They guy we were supposed to go with had to work this morning at 8...and around here girls don´t really go out with´re supposed to do something this afternoon. We´ll see. It just started raining. Apparently another tropical storm-hurricane is supposed to hit tomorrow. YAY!

I got up around 9 today to get a head start on some laundry... When the sun´s out in the winter you have to take advantage of it and do all the laundry you can so it will actually dry and not smell like mold.

I´m eating chicken again. Being a vegetarian was just not worth being bombarded with questions and sketchy-confused looks. It´ll be fine...the chicken here is pretty safe it seems... If you´re not eating one of your own then it probably belonged to one of the neighbors. One of the guys in our group has like 10 roosters in his backyard. They wake him up at 2:30 every morning. The other day his host mom served him rooster soup. He said it tasted revenge.

I have yet to teach (or even coteach) an actual English class. I´ve been able to coplan, but class keeps getting cancelled for reasons like Mother´s Day...rain...meetings...etc. That´s fine by me for right now. I´m just trying to go with the flow.

I´ve even had enough time to watch a couple of movies that I burned onto my computer. Krista - I got a chance to watch Fur. It was strange and creepy but very awesome. Also watched Cloverfield, Party Monster, and the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. Poor me, right?

Well, I´m going to do a bit of reading. A friend loaned me the Kite Runner. Seems like a worthwhile read.


ENTRY 3 - 5/31 - 7:00 am
Am having some serious issues getting out of bed this morning. I woke up to a mix of roosters and the neighbor blasting ¨Wonderwall¨by Oasis. Thought about you, Kel! I haven´t been running all this week....every morning at 6 it´s been monsooning so I´ve slept in...thought about going this morning, but I just don´t feel like it. I´ll start over on Monday. an hour and a half we all have to be at Casa Mision, El Crucero for a PC workshop on Culture Shock.´s Saturday! It´s really pretty there´s this house-lodge that´s buried in the mountains between Dolores and Managua. I´ve taken pictures of it and will post them soon....They´re the pictures of the blue house and the misty mountains and pretty hydrangeas (sp?)

Well, time to get moving.


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